I Had Sex On My Period

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Last wensday i came home from a party- I wasn’t drunk though or anything- but as soon as I got in, i saw that all the lights were all dark so i guessed my parents

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Answers to common questions about having sex while you are on your period. Many couples worry about engaging in sexual activity during menstruation, but having sex

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• The primary purpose of sex is to reinforce the marital bond • Sexual desire is not evil, but must be satisfied in the proper time, place and manner

Implantation bleeding, or is it a period? This article will answer your questions about implantation bleeding symptoms, normal colors, what heavy implantation

I’ve been married for three years. It was an arranged marriage. At a very early stage I’d started suspecting that my wife had had sex before marriage.

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Aug 22, 2013 · I just had sex every day for a year, and I didn’t tell you about it. But I did video tape it, so check it out -> here! Just ding. I wasn’t even sur

sex (sĕks) n. 1. a. Sexual activity, especially sexual intercourse: hasn’t had sex in months. b. The sexual urge or instinct as it manifests itself in behavior

Expert advice and titillating true sex stories on foreplay, sex toys, the best (and craziest) sex positions and more. Are you ready for a toe-curling, eyes-rolling

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Dear Doctor Life Advice, It has been over three years since my wife and I have made love, actually there is no intimacy at all. When I approach my wife in any way

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Hi I haven’t seen my period since on the 7th of Oct 2016 which I had my D&C.been going for scan and all they will see is PID.ban teating that also.but 3days ago I

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