Can You Still Get Pregnant If You Use A Condom

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Can you get pregnant while on your period. Yes, but it’s unlikely. You can still get pregnant on your period if you have unprotected sex. Sperm survive up to five

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If you have an intra-uterine device (IUD) for birth control, see what your chances are of getting pregnant while on an IUD.

Feb 07, 2015 · Is it possible for you to get pregnant even if you’re a virgin who’s never had sex? Can you get pregnant if he finishes on your thigh or stomach?

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If you’re taking birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, check out these 3 reasons why you can get pregnant on birth control.

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In case you were wondering: Yes, you can get pregnant while using birth control.

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May 18, 2013 · Can you pregnant if a guy ejaculates near your vagina, on your leg or stomach, but not inside of it? Get safe sex advice here on when sperm dies.

Q: Can you be pregnant and still get your period? A: The answer to that question is no- a true period is the result of shedding of the endometrium, or lining of the

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If you believe what the condom manufacturers say, using condoms are nearly 100% effective at preventing a pregnancy. In fact, the statistics tend to bear this out, to

Can I Get Pregnant If? The Morning After. new! Dec 08, 2010. We get a lot of questions from readers about whether something they did could have gotten them pregnant.