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Having sore gums or a gumboil? Does your tooth hurt upon biting or feels loose? Notice pus oozing out from the gums? You could be suffering from a gum abscess.

Jun 24, 2015 · A gum infection, or periodontitis, occurs when bacteria present in dental plaque spread to the gums. MayoClinic.com notes that it is usually caused by

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Are home remedies or natural treatments effective for gum disease? Is it possible to reverse gum disease? Is gum disease associated with other health problems?

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“Kookaburra” (also known by its first line: “Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree”) is a popular Australian nursery rhyme and round about the Kookaburra (an Australian

Aug 11, 2009 · This video describes Periodontal Disease (also known as periodontitis or gum disease) and the treatments used by dental professionals.

Learn about the various forms of abscess including tooth abscess and gum abscess as well as how you can work to prevent them.

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Yellowstone reaches 878 earthquakes in just two weeks as scientists wonder when the volcano will blow – NaturalNews.com; Sickening: Major food corporations use tissue

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Apr 02, 2006 · Okay – someone save me from freaking out. For about the last week, I’ve noticed a very slight pain between/around my backmost two teeth on the left